Mathematics 7

Combining Like Terms

The video below is design to assist students in simplifying algebraic expressions. Please enjoy.

Your participation with the video is greatly appreciated and will be rewarded.

Operations with Integers

The video below is design to assist and entertain students on the definition of integers. It is an instrument to assist students on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers. Please enjoy.

Your participation with the video is greatly appreciated and will be rewarded.


  1. Mr. Marshall I wanted to ask how to solve this problem X power of 0 divided by X power of 5: jada period 7

  2. Mr. Marshall I was just wondering when you are next going to update your blog because I noticed you haven't since we were doing decimals? Mackenzie Munguia period 3

  3. Hi Mr. Marshall! I know this is last year's blog but I was wondering if you were going to make something like that for this year.

    Lauren Sek
    Period 3

  4. Hi Mr. Marshall are you going to post more videos as the lessons go on ?
